I tried on a few dresses and figured that I had a pretty good idea of what the dress would look like on, so I ordered it. Brenda, the owner, called me last week and told me that it was in. I made the appointment for today to finally see my dress.
As you can tell from the picture, I don't look very happy. We purposely ordered the dress a size larger than it needed to be to make sure it fit in the chest because I suffer from huge-fucking-boob-syndrome. Even with the dress larger than it needed to be, there is still way too much cleavage showing. The straps need to be taken in and that will raise the dress some, but not nearly enough to be what I consider decent. So she suggested that I could add a modesty panel from the extra hemmed fabric. Great. Sure. Whatever. I bought a dress that I intended to wear as is, and now I have to make it look completely different (and possibly not be able to re-sell it) all because I have gigantic boobs and this woman informed me that a size 10 was going to cover them.
I'm hoping that because its close to aunt flo (sorry for the TMI) that I'm just retaining ridiculous amounts of water and since the wedding and aunt flo won't be close together, my disgustingly large chest will shrink significantly.
It also bugs me that on the bottom of the rushing, the dress sticks out funny. Its like instead of the rushing, well rushing, it gathers in one spot and looks like a large ruffle. Other than that, I really like the dress. The train is short and the dress is made of chiffon so its extremely light weight. It feels like wearing a regular dress and definitely doesn't weigh you down.
Another good thing is that if I lost no weight at all, the dress would still fit perfectly in the stomach and hips. Unfortunately, it does nothing to give me curves or a butt, but whatever, I guess I shouldn't expect too much.
Honestly, I feel like its 'good enough'. I mean, I'm wearing the dress for 5-6 hours for one night and then I'll never need to look at it again. Hopefully I'll be able to sell it. And at least I'm going to have really nice shoes!