Monday, August 3, 2009


Hi! Welcome to my Maryland Budget Bride blog. (That's a tongue twister, huh?)

I'm getting married September 17, 2010 at a winery in Maryland. My fiance and I started off with a budget of $10,000 and figured we would come in around $8,500. The budget included everything from wedding party gifts to the honeymoon to my fiance's passport to our wedding bands. It was kind of crazy.

We looked at the budget again recently and decided we're just not the type of people to spend close to $10,000 on one day. We cut all of the unnecessary stuff out of the budget (and kept it to just what's necessary for that day) and started over. So far, I've learned that Maryland really isn't all that cheap. (I blame it on being close to DC where everything is more expensive.) The new budget amount is $6,500 and I want to come in as far under that as possible.

I'm just starting out, but read along to follow my adventures of how to be budget savvy in Maryland. I'll try to include as many links for sales/coupons/deals and specials as I can find, as well as links to other budget brides. One thing that will definitely be here...DIY instructions.

If you are crafty, one way to save money is DIY projects. I have quite a few. And if you're interested in what I've chosen for the wedding so far, check out my wedding website:

If you ever want to talk to me directly, comment on a post here, or page me on the Baltimore or P&E boards of

Thanks for stopping by!

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